
Friday, June 15, 2012

Royal Gazette, 14 June 2012/xxxiii: Ordination

As some of y'all may have seen already on Facebook, I will be ordained by Bishop Basil to the diaconate of the Holy Orthodox Church on Sunday July 1, at the Cathedral of St George in Wichita, Kansas. Divine Liturgy will begin at 10am. Everyone is invited, of course.

I don't think my ordination will have much effect in Talossa. Maybe ramp up the heretic-smiting a little, but nothing too dramatic.

— John R

Monday, June 11, 2012


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Baron Hooligan, Distain
Sir Iustì Canun, Minister of Culture
Litz Cjantscheir, Seneschal
Alexander Davis, Royal Treasury Reserve Board
Scott Tucker, prospective Erteier

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Admission to the College of Arms: Mataiwos Vürinalt

As Squirrel King of Arms for the Royal Talossan College of Arms, I do hereby create and grant the Fulbright Fellowship of the Royal Talossan College of Arms to S:reu Mataiwos Vürinalt, who has satisfied myself and the College of his abilities and interest in the field of heraldry, especially vexillology, so hopefully he and the other Fellows who expressed an interest in this will get to work on it now.

Rouge Lobster Herald
Squirrel King of Arms

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Proclamation of the Province of Fiova


We JOHN by the Grace of God King of Talossa and all its Realms and Regions, King of Cézembre, etc., etc., the Organic requirements for the establishment of a Province having been met by “at least 10 persons” citizens of Talossa having written and approved a Constitution and elected a government, and being Ourselves satisfied as to the Organicity of the proposed Constitution, the Ziu meantime (in cooperation with the Governments of Maritiimi-Maxhestic and Maricopa) having set aside territory for and authorized the establishment of the Province of Fiova by the Proud Mary Act to which We have set our signature, do hereby PROCLAIM THE CONSTITUTION OF THE PROVINCE OF FIOVA, and do instruct Our Chancery with all due speed to transfer to Fiova the Provincial assignments of those citizens authorized to become and desirous of being Fiovans. Furthermore, We do hereby appoint Our loyal citizen Istefan Éovart Perþonest to serve as Our Cunstaval in Fiova, thanking him for his willingness to serve. We are most pleased to congratulate Our right-beloved S:da Miestra Schiva on her election to the Capitansqab of Fiova, to applaud all Our soon-to-be-Fiovan citizens on the establishment of their new Province, and to felicitate with the entire nation on all these happy events and the spirit in which they have been accomplished.

Done under Our hand royal at the city of Denver in Colorado this first day of June being the Feast of St Justin the Philosopher and his companions martyrs at Rome, in the year of salvation 2012, of the independence of Talossa the thirty-third, and of Our reign the sixth.

— John Regeu

Appointments to the Cort pu Inalt: Ian Tamoran and Tímoþi Asmourescu


Pursuant to the requirements of Article XVI, Section IV of the Legeu Orgänic, and with the at least arguable authorization of the recent Time-Traveling Judicial Nomination Act, We John by the Grace of God King of Talossa and of all its Realms and Regions, King of Cézembre, Sovereign Lord and Protector of Pengöpäts and the New Falklands, Defender of the Faith, Leader of the Armed Forces, Viceroy of Hoxha and Vicar of Atatürk, do hereby appoint Sir Tamoran dal Nava, UrN, as Senior Justice of the Cort pü Inalt del Regipäts Talossan, and further do appoint S:reu Ian Tamoran as Puisne Justice of the same Cort. (One notes with amusement the fact that for now, the entire Cort is made up of Tamorans ... Tamoraes?) And further, We do indicate Our approval of the nomination of Senator Tímoþi Asmourescu to the other vacant seat, and Our intention to appoint him thereto as soon as the Organic bar to his appointment is removed.

Congratulations and thanks to S:reu Tamoran and S:reu Tamoran.

Done under Our hand royal at the city of Denver in Colorado, this last day of May, being the Octave of the Lord's Ascension (according to the Orthodox paschalion), in the year of salvation 2012, of the independence of Talossa the thirty-third, and of Our reign the sixth.

— John R

Writ of Dissolution of the 43rd Cosa


We JOHN by the Grace of God King of Talossa and of all its Realms and Regions, King of Cézembre, Sovereign Lord and Protector of Pengöpäts and the New Falklands, Defender of the Faith, Leader of the Armed Forces, Viceroy of Hoxha and Vicar of Atatürk, having thought fit to dissolve this present forty-third Cosa of the Kingdom of Talossa, do to that end publish this Our proclamation royal, hereby dissolving the said Cosa accordingly; and do discharge and excuse the Members of that Cosa from their meeting and attendance thereat from Tuesday the twenty-second day of this May instant. And We being desirous and resolved for the better governance of these Our realms to have the advice of Our people in the Ziu assembled, do hereby make known to all Our loyal commons, knights, and nobles Our royal will and pleasure to call and assemble a new Cosa, and do hereby further declare that We have given order that Our Chancery and Secretary of State do forthwith issue out writs and ballots in due form, and according to law, for the election of a new forty-fourth Cosa as well as Senators for the provinces of Benito, Maritiimi-Maxhestic, and Fiova.

Further, We would most heartily thank and congratulate, on Our own behalf and that of the entire Talossan nation, those citizens who were called to serve in this now-dissolved forty-third Cosa — surely one of the most notable in all our National history —, especially thanking the Most Honourable S:da Litz Cjantscheir once again for her two terms of eminent service as Our Seneschal, her Distain Our well-beloved Ma la Mha Lord Hooligan, and all the other members of the Government. Further thanks are due to S:reu Bradley Holmes, whose term in the Senäts is now drawing to a close, Sir Mick Preston, who seems to leave the Senäts at *every* election, and to S:reu Tímoþi Asmourescu, who (We find Ourselves eerily certain) will very soon resign from the Senäts in order to take up another, incompatible, office.

Done by Our hand royal at the city of Denver in Colorado, this thirty-first day of May being the Octave of the Ascension in the year of salvation 2012, of the independence of Talossa the thirty-third, and of our reign the sixth.

— John Regeu