
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Appointment of MinStuff: Danihel Teziun


The Office of the Prime Minister

L'Óifisch del Seneschal

Appointment of a New Minister of Stuff

With sympathy and sadness, I accepted the resignation this morning of Stéafan d'Unmortadel as Minister of Stuff, and offered on behalf of the nation its grateful thanks for his service. S:r d'Unmortadel tendered this resignation due to a tragic death of a family member, and his own feeling that this tragedy will, understandably, render him unable to dedicate himself to his position as a minister of the government for the near-term future.

To S:r d'Unmortadel, who is himself still recovering from surgery, go the thoughts, wishes, and prayers of his nation through this time of grief and shock. I have assured our friend that we, his fellow-citizens, are here for him and will be here waiting his return to active Talossan life once he has gone through the trials of his current circumstances.

This post in the Cabinet being vacant, I, Ma la Mha, Seneschal del Regipäts Talossan, with all duly vested authority and stuff, hereby recommend that His Majesty the King do appoint:

Danihel Teziun
to the position of
Minister of Stuff

S:r Teziun's current position as Chief of the Bureau of SPAM, is left vacant, but I am informed that it will be filled by a new Head Spammajamma within a couple of weeks.

Minister Teziun is welcomed (back) to office, and comes with the enthusiasm necessary for the job. The important work of the Ministry of STUFF, especially as regards the creation and population of the new Web presence for the Kingdom and the expansion of its social networking tentacles, will proceed with as little delay as possible.

Baron Hooligan

PD: Michael Pope Citizenship


The Office of the Prime Minister

L'Óifisch del Seneschal

The Row Your Boat Ashore Dictate

WHEREAS no score and fourteen years ago, came forth to this nation a new personality, conceived in Talossanity and dedicated to the proposition that Talossans are created cooler, and

WHEREAS, then we were engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that Talossanity or any Talossan so conceived and so dedicated could long endure, and

WHEREAS that's about as far as I can take this strange allusion to the Gettysburg Address, when you would think I would have been mucking with quotes from "Michael, Row Your Boat Ashore" and mixing in some "Hallelujiah"s with the "Whereas"s, but hey, even I don't know how my mind works sometimes, and apparently between writing the title and the first "Whereas" I forgot what I was doing, and

WHEREAS the point is that the Talossanity within this personality so conceived did indeed long endure, through renunciation in the face of tyrrany, through life as a different part of the Talossan culture, and then through a number of years away, concentrating on important non-Talossan (seems like an oxymoron, I know) matters, and

WHEREAS this personality has requested of my office the restoration of his lapsed citizenship, restoring to him on the records what was never apart from him in fact, so now

THEREFORE, I, Ma la Mha, Seneschal del Regipäts Talossan, with all duly vested authority and stuff, do hereby and forthwith declare the following Prime Dictate, beseeching his Majesty the King to grant royal assent with all due celerity that it might become law:
  • His having fulfilled the requirements of law,
    the Talossan citizenship of Michael Pope is hereby restored in full,
    and is dated, as is custom, tradition, and right, to its original date of 21 May 1998.
  • In accordance with the wishes and request of the said citizen Pope, the Secretary of State is instructed to transfer the provincial assignment of S:reu Pope from Maritiimi-Maxhestic to Fiova.
Done under my hand and seal, as from Kenwood House, on this the 29th day of August in the year 2012, in the 6th year of the reign of our gracious sovereign John, and the 33rd year of the independence of the Kingdom of Talossa.

Hallelujiah, and prima capiam pocula!

Baron Hooligan

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Approval of Guest: Michael Pope


The Office of the Prime Minister

L'Óifisch del Seneschal

Approval of a Wittenberg Guest

This morning, His Majesty the King forwarded me an email he received from the 24th Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Talossa, a man who served in that office longer than any other, leading the government during six consecutive Cosas, and for over three years.

My famed and esteemed predecessor has requested, and I have (with unspeakable joy) granted, the permission required by 35RZ2, The Wittenberg is for Talossans Act, to be a guest here on Wittenberg.

It is with incredible pleasure that I am able to re-introduce to these pages the great former Talossan (and yes, I have already begun the begging process to convince him to re-embrace his Talossanity by reclaiming his lapsed citizenship)....
Michael Pope!!!

And a very Happy Monarchy Day to us all!


Monday, August 20, 2012

Appointment of Ambassador-General for Asia: Béneditsch Ardpresteir


The Office of the Foreign Affairs Minister

L’Óifisch del Ministreu dels Afaes Utpätseschti

I am pleased to announce the elevation of Béneditsch Ardpresteir as Ambassador-General of Asia. 

Please join me in congratulating S:reu Ardpresteir as we envision the advancement of our great and noble Kingdom.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

First Administration Report; New Blog


The Office of the Prime Minister

L'Óifisch del Seneschal

Issuance of the First Report of the Administration

Fellow Talossans,

In accordance with the requirements placed on the administration by The Talossan Government Transparency Act (39RZ16), a blog has been established and the first report of the administration can be found posted there:


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

MinImm: Immigration Achievement Award

The Office of the Minister of Immigration

L'Óifisch del Ministreu d’Inmigraziun

Press Release from the Minister of Immigration

The Ministry of Immigration will be offering a new award to TALOSSAssistants, Any TALOSSAssistant that helps a total of 5 prospective Citizens will receive the "Immigration Achievement Award".
This Award is only available to TA’s that help FROM THIS DATE FORWARD (if you are helping a prospective citizen now, it WILL count for this award.) Also the Prospective must become a full citizen before it will count.
Once the fifth prospective becomes a citizen, the Ministry will send you a notice of receipt. (Note, we are trying to create a physical award that would then be sent to you, However, until this can be done, you will receive this award virtually)
We hope that each and every Citizen will help our prospectives to the best of their ability, and hope that, by including this incentive, more citizens will sign up to become TALOSSAssistants.
For more information or to sign up to become a TA; please contact me via PM or email (

Davìu Lundescu
Minister of Immigration