
Monday, September 24, 2012

Immigration Achievement Reward: Pôl d'Aurìbuérg

The Office of the Minister of Immigration

L'Óifisch del Ministreu d’Inmigraziun

Immigration Achievement Award Announcement

My Fellow Talossans,

The Ministry of Immigration has always strived to the culture and spirit of upbringing incoming Citizens into a nation dedicated to the idea of fun, culture, and excellence beyond all others. The belief that Talossans hold such values so dearly, that they wish to share that spirit with Prospectives, is one that shows pure dedication and loyalty to the nation. Today, we celebrate the dedication of one such Talossan, who has given up much of his time to the successful upbringing of prospective citizens, and through his guidance and support, has become full citizens of the kingdom.

Pôl d'Aurìbuérg has shown the dedication and support a prospective citizen needs to become a full citizen. When Pol was a prospective not too long ago, Flip Molinar was his TALOSSAssistant, and in September 2011, Pol became a citizen of our great Kingdom.

Pol has decided that helping incoming citizens is a must and is always willing to step up to be somebody’s TALOSSAssistant. And currently during my short term in office already, Pol has helped several Citizens.

When asked, “What do you like best about helping prospective citizens in their journey to citizenship?” Pol’s answer was, “I like seeing them all excited to bring some ideas and meeting different people. It really helps our growing nation.”

As I know those of who who are still reading are probably falling asleep. So, without further ado, In accordance to the requirements set down by the Minister of Immigration, It is with great pleasure to announce to the Kingdom, that Pôl d'Aurìbuérg has Officially received the Immigration Achievement Award, for helping a total of 5 Prospective citizens gain full citizenship. We thank you for your continued Support.

Signed by the hand of the Minister of Immigration this 23rd day of September, in the year of the common era 2012, in the 6th year of the reign of our gracious sovereign King John, and of the independence of Talossa the 33rd.