Official Document of the Royal Treasury
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Financial Report of the 44th Cosa
The following information accounts for each financial transaction made by and for the Kingdom of Talossa.
$774.87 - Start of Cosa 44
+ .78 - Interest accrued during C44
- 50.35 - Chain (44RZ14 Section 1.a)
+ 272.00 - Stamp Kickstarter
- 26.48 - Stamp Kickstarter Fees
- 195.05 - Printing
- 12.40 - Shipping of Kickstarter Perks
- 33.00 - Flag (44RZ14 Section 1.b)
- 10.00 - Medallion (44RZ14 Section 1.a) Outstanding
$720.37 - End of Cosa 45
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From the Office of the Distain
Da l'Óifisch del Distain
Appointment of a Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
I come now before the throne seeking an audience to recommend the appointment of a Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Your Majesty’s Government.
The Talossan citizen who is the subject of this appointment promises to devote hard work, dedication, loyalty, and Talossanity (despite the well-known fact that the first and last of these things are diametrically opposed to each other). She is a true Talossan who I believe will serve Your Majesty well as a Minister in Your Majesty’s Government and I am sure Your Majesty will agree.
Therefore, I, Pôl d'Aurìbuérg, holding powers in stead of Çesli da Chilseu, Seneschal del Regipäts Talossan, with all duly vested authority and stuff, do hereby and forthwith, recommend that Your Gracious Majesty appoint Xheneta Britxind to the post of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, that she might officially do what she's already been doing unofficially.
Confident that the Crown will consent to accept this wise recommendation, may I be the first to congratulate the newly appointed Deputy Minister Britxind and I wish her every success in doing her duty.
Pôl d'Aurìbuérg