Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
Citizens of the Kingdom of Talossa, subjects of His Majesty King John:
Here follow the results of the elections to the Forty-Fifth Cosa.
Of 188 eligible voters, votes were received from 135 people (11 of whom voted 'Present'), a percent turnout of 71.81%
The following people accumulated their third strike, and have been removed from the citizenship rolls:
- Sevastain Barclamiu
- Stefan da Pair
- Danihel dal Vaißela
- Tric'hard Dïeulofaçeva
- Mathias Liszt
- Elana Vital
Results of the elections to the Cosa:
The Rexhalistaes Unificheschti pr'iensa Monarc'hà Panincestind (RUMP) received 61 votes, 49.19% of the total: 98.
The Zefençadéirs del Republicánismeu Talossán (ZRT) received 18 votes, 14.52% of the total: 29.
The Common Sense Progressive Party (CSPP) received 13 votes, 10.48% of the total: 21.
The Moderate Radical Party of Talossa (MRPT) received 13 votes, 10.48% of the total: 21.
The Independents's Party (IND) received 8 votes, 10.48% of the total: 13.
The New Peculiar Way (NPW) received 7 votes, 5.65% of the total: 11.
Le Parti Republicain (LPR) received 4 votes, 3.23% of the total: 7*.
*Upon further review, the runner did not touch second base. Touchdown, Squirrels.
Results of the Senatorial elections:
Atatürk: Brad Holmes
Cézembre: Glüc da Dhi
Florencia: Audradâ d'Aurìbuérg
Vuode: Viteu Marcianüs (colour me surprised)
Results of the Vuodean Constitutional Referendum:
The new Constitution is ratified.
Results of the Organic referenda:
Specific figures may be found on the GE thread.
Done by my hand in the name of King John and under his Royal Seal this 14th day of April in the year of the common era 2013, in the 7th year of the reign of our gracious sovereign King John, and of the independence of Talossa the 34th.
Sir Iustì Canun, Secretar d'Estat