Monday, April 30, 2012
Appointments in SoS Office: Eðo Grischun and Béneditch Ardpresteir
After carefully going over the law as it stands, I've realised that I can hire the both of you. (Also, that I don't have to drop the current DSoS--Admiral Awesomesauce--unless he wants me to.)
So both Eðo Grischun and Béneditch Ardpresteir are now officially made Undersecretaries of State.
Owing to S:r Grischun's longer citizen-hood-ness, I shall promote him to the position of Deputy Secretary of State.
Admission to the College of Arms: Béneditsch Ardpresteir
Rouge Lobster Herald
Squirrel King of Arms
Vacant Position: DSoS
It's come to the Secretary of State's attention that he may need a Deputy, so the Chancery is now accepting applications for the aforementioned position. Any takers?
Secretary of State Iustì Carlüs Canun
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Notiçieir Revives
Since it fell into disuse, Notiçieir has now been converted into a record of government announcements. Ideally, in the future this will help liberate Talossa from complete dependence on Wittenberg. More information can be found here.
Alexander Davis
Joint Announcement from King John and Miestrâ Schivâ Regarding Reunion
Seven and a half years ago, the Kingdom of Talossa suffered the loss of a number of valuable citizens, who (provoked by the misbehaviour of the King of Talossa) left the Kingdom to form the Talossan Republic. Since that time, many newcomers to Talossa have joined the Republic and have lived and flourished there, together with the original "rebels", proudly identifying themselves as Talossans even though they were never citizens of the Kingdom. This division in our nation, however necessary it was, has always been a matter of regret and sorrow to patriotic Talossans in both groups.
On this 32nd anniversary of the establishment of the Kingdom of Talossa, we the undersigned, the King of Talossa and the President of the Talossan Republic, are very pleased to reveal publicly that last month, at the initiative of leading citizens of the Republic — an initiative which was immediately and warmly welcomed by the leaders of the Kingdom —, informal talks began, with the aim of finding ways to facilitate the unification of the Talossan people in a single state by the admission of the Republic's citizenry to citizenship in the Kingdom. The talks, thanks to great goodwill on both sides, have gone very well. We are happy to announce that, pending the successful conclusion of these discussions, the Talossan Republic will be formally dissolved, and every one of its citizens who desires it welcomed into full citizenship in the Kingdom of Talossa. Some of the details have yet to be worked out, and some enabling legislation passed by the Ziu and by the General Assembly of the Republic, but both Governments are enthusiastically behind the plan. Our aim and intention is clear — one Talossan people, and one Talossan state.
Each of the former Republicans will be admitted as a citizen of the Province of his or her own choice; but it is our mutual intention that those who desire to maintain something of their "rebel culture" within the Kingdom will organize an eighth Province, which will serve them as a sort of local center of their Talossan activity. Regardless of Provincial citizenship, they will all be full citizens of the Kingdom, living under the King and the Organic Law, and participating fully in all aspects of our joint national life — cultural, political, and social.
This rapprochement is not to be regarded as some kind of conquest or surrender or Borg-like assimilation, but rather as the reception into the Kingdom of a group of good Talossans who have been, up until now, politically separated from the larger group of their co-nationalists. We fervently hope, and we firmly believe, that the "reunision" of the Kingdom and the Republic will usher in a new era in the history of our beloved nation, and allow us to reach unprecedented heights in our pursuit and enjoyment of our shared Talossanity.
John Regeu and Miestrâ Schivâ
Royal Proclamation on Forgiveness and Apologies
I John, King of Talossa, speaking for myself and on behalf of my Crown and my Kingdom, hereby apologise most sincerely for the unconscionable acts and writings of Robert I, my predecessor on the Talossan throne, which he committed against all the citizens of Talossa, thereby staining the honour of the Kingdom and of his Crown, and causing many faithful citizens to feel impelled to rebel against the Kingdom and, renouncing their citizenship, to establish the Talossan Republic. Most especially are apologies due, and I therefore most especially and most sincerely apologise, to Sir Chirisch Caveir (known recently as Sir Tamoran Curt Gödafrïeusefiglheu dal Nava) for the gross slanders, lies, and abuse so unjustly, crassly, and dishonourably heaped upon him by the malice of the former King.
Furthermore, I hereby promise as King of Talossa to introduce in the Ziu, and to work energetically for the earliest possible passage of, an Act of Oblivion, forbidding the Talossan judicial system from taking any notice of any allegedly criminal act taking place in or before the year 2004 and connected to or stemming from the rebellion of that year or the establishment of the Talossan Republic. And should the Prime Minister issue a similar act of immunity or oblivion in the form of a Prime Dictate, I will ratify it.
And lastly, I hereby promise on my honour as King of Talossa, that if – notwithstanding these barriers to prosecution, and the Statute of Limitations enacted into Talossan criminal law by 42RZ11, etc. – anyone should ever be convicted of any offense for his participation in, or activity stemming from, the rebellion of 2004, I will issue him a full and free pardon; at the same time stating that I feel quite sure that no such pardon will prove necessary.
These apologies and promises I make freely, and post simultaneously on the forums of the Kingdom of Talossa and the Talossan Republic, in the pursuit of simple justice, and in the hope of promoting goodwill among all Talossans.
Done under Our hand royal, this 6th day of December being the Feast of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra, in the year of salvation 2011, of the independence of Talossa the 32nd, and of Our reign the 5th.
– John Regeu
Final Report of the Reunision Commission
My fellow Talossans --
As you are all aware, on 1 December of last year, representatives from the Talossan Republic approached me and our nation's government with a confidential "modest proposal". This proposal inaugurated discussions to determine a basis for the "reunision" of the two groups of Talossans under the flag of the Kingdom. The government and I were immediately receptive and a plan was formed to create a six-member Commission that would discuss and decide any preliminary issues, discuss relevant details, and topple any preliminary hurdles.
As for what those details are, the "modest proposal" laid out three guiding principles, which the Kingdom immediately embraced.
Discussion on the first of these principles, a guarantee that all Republican Talossans be welcomed, centered on the issue of citizenship dates for citizens whose first date of entry into the Talossan culture differs (as is the case for some Republican Talossans) from the date of Kingdom citizenship. This detail was recently decided in favour of recognising this first-date for all persons of all Talossan heritage, and indeed, all Republican Talossans, when "reunision" occurs, will carry with them their acknowledged Talossan tenure.
The second principle, concerning the right of Republican Talossans to continue their peculiar culture, led to discussion around planning for the possibility that an eighth province might be established after "reunision", to provide a possible "territorial autonomy" for those Republican Talossans who wish to become citizens of such a new province. Since there are a number of different possibilities as to how such an eighth province could be formed, and since the creation of a new province is already possible under current law, the members of the Commission have decided that any action on this issue will be taken by the united citizens of Talossa after "reunision" has occurred. To this end, the Commission asks for the inauguration of an open discussion, so that all Talossans can present any ideas or proposals regarding these possibilities. While "reunision" need not wait, such discussions will perhaps form a basis for actions that will be taken at a provincial level at some point in our common future. To help best achieve this goal, the Kingdom has modified the Immigration law to allow that Republican Talossans be permitted to choose their province of citizenship, so that those who wish to congregate together to form a new province from an existing one might work together with citizens of any province that might be "split".
The final principle surrounded the rescinding of the indictments for treason against the leaders of the Revolution/Secession of 2004/xxv which were handed down by the previous Rouerguian regime, and the Kingdom was only too happy to take all possible steps to put the unfortunate incidents of those years decidedly in the past, quashing and condemning the acts of King Robert I, and making it clear in no uncertain terms that no charges regarding the events sparked by those acts are to be contemplated.
Thus, with these details resolved, and with agreement that the ground is now fully prepared, it is my happy privilege to come before all Talossans today to report the successful conclusion of the business of this historic Commission. All six members of the Commission lift their glasses to toast its success with you, as, with the details hammered out, we now proceed as a united people to the actual accomplishment of "reunision".
For the Kingdom, I must repeat to all Republican Talossans our most heartfelt welcome, and our inexpressible gratitude for the "modest proposal" on which the future of our proud Talossan culture now firmly rests.
— John R
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