I John, King of Talossa, speaking for myself and on behalf of my Crown and my Kingdom, hereby apologise most sincerely for the unconscionable acts and writings of Robert I, my predecessor on the Talossan throne, which he committed against all the citizens of Talossa, thereby staining the honour of the Kingdom and of his Crown, and causing many faithful citizens to feel impelled to rebel against the Kingdom and, renouncing their citizenship, to establish the Talossan Republic. Most especially are apologies due, and I therefore most especially and most sincerely apologise, to Sir Chirisch Caveir (known recently as Sir Tamoran Curt Gödafrïeusefiglheu dal Nava) for the gross slanders, lies, and abuse so unjustly, crassly, and dishonourably heaped upon him by the malice of the former King.
Furthermore, I hereby promise as King of Talossa to introduce in the Ziu, and to work energetically for the earliest possible passage of, an Act of Oblivion, forbidding the Talossan judicial system from taking any notice of any allegedly criminal act taking place in or before the year 2004 and connected to or stemming from the rebellion of that year or the establishment of the Talossan Republic. And should the Prime Minister issue a similar act of immunity or oblivion in the form of a Prime Dictate, I will ratify it.
And lastly, I hereby promise on my honour as King of Talossa, that if – notwithstanding these barriers to prosecution, and the Statute of Limitations enacted into Talossan criminal law by 42RZ11, etc. – anyone should ever be convicted of any offense for his participation in, or activity stemming from, the rebellion of 2004, I will issue him a full and free pardon; at the same time stating that I feel quite sure that no such pardon will prove necessary.
These apologies and promises I make freely, and post simultaneously on the forums of the Kingdom of Talossa and the Talossan Republic, in the pursuit of simple justice, and in the hope of promoting goodwill among all Talossans.
Done under Our hand royal, this 6th day of December being the Feast of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra, in the year of salvation 2011, of the independence of Talossa the 32nd, and of Our reign the 5th.
– John Regeu