
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

November Announcement from SoS

Éu volt qe toct säpadra doua cosas:

Cosa Prüma: El Clark da Noemvar serà la respunçivalità del Secretar Deputat d'Estat, S:r Éovart Grischun.

Cosa Secund: El Secretar d'Estat requesta qe el Seneschal zesclaradra qe Zecemvar serà 'n mes da spaßetxada, com'usual, parç qe muiteux da noschtri Erteiers fuliensen adreßarhent els exameux, las paratüras per las feschtas, els evints famiglheschti, voiatxen, e.s.p.

S:reu Iustì Canun, UrN
Secretar d'Estat.


I want everyone two know two things:

Thing One: The November Clark will be the responsibility of the Deputy Secretary of State, S:r Éovart Grischun.

Thing Two: The Secretary of State requests that the Seneschal declare December a month of recess, as usual, because many of our fellow Talossans will be dealing with exams, holiday preparations, family events, trips, etc.