Note: This speech was given on June 24, 2013 but due to the Prime Minister being out of town on the actual date, it was posted via Talossan Time Travel

The Office of the Prime Minister of Talossa
L'Óifisch dal Seneschal del Regipäts Talossa
Immigration Day Speech
Talossa is by its very nature a nation of immigrants - every citizen over the past thirty-two years since immigration opened chose to immigrate to this great nation through a conscious decision. It is due to our nature that Immigration Day is such an important day in the life of all Talossans. Nearly Thirty-four years ago in a small bedroom, our first Sovereign, King Robert I, declared his independence from the United States of America. It is this amazing accomplishment that we celebrate here today. All of us from King John down to our newest citizens all owe a debt to this visionary act that created the Kingdom that we call home today.
I am especially pleased to celebrate this, my very first Immigration day. It is my first in two ways - first because I was not a citizen the last time this auspicious day rolled around, and second because this is my first time celebrating it as your Seneschal. I am an example of how hard work and persistence in Talossa is rewarded. Our nation is full of eminent examples of persistence and greatness. In fact, I would say that each and every citizen of Talossa is a testament to this greatness. We have created a nation full of rich heritage, cultural depth, linguistic uniqueness, and above all, a pretty cool place to be! We are the "in-crowd" that our natural Cestours within our national borders celebrate even without realizing they are doing so.
I am proud to be a Talossan and a loyal subject of our Sovereign, His Majesty King John. I am proud to serve as the Seneschal of this great nation. I am most proud to be an immigrant to this nation of freedom loving, independent thinkers. I celebrate with all of you this great day!
Long Live King John and Long May Talossa Thrive!
Dr. Txec dal Nordselva, Seneschal
The Office of the Prime Minister of Talossa
L'Óifisch dal Seneschal del Regipäts Talossa
Immigration Day Speech
Talossa is by its very nature a nation of immigrants - every citizen over the past thirty-two years since immigration opened chose to immigrate to this great nation through a conscious decision. It is due to our nature that Immigration Day is such an important day in the life of all Talossans. Nearly Thirty-four years ago in a small bedroom, our first Sovereign, King Robert I, declared his independence from the United States of America. It is this amazing accomplishment that we celebrate here today. All of us from King John down to our newest citizens all owe a debt to this visionary act that created the Kingdom that we call home today.
I am especially pleased to celebrate this, my very first Immigration day. It is my first in two ways - first because I was not a citizen the last time this auspicious day rolled around, and second because this is my first time celebrating it as your Seneschal. I am an example of how hard work and persistence in Talossa is rewarded. Our nation is full of eminent examples of persistence and greatness. In fact, I would say that each and every citizen of Talossa is a testament to this greatness. We have created a nation full of rich heritage, cultural depth, linguistic uniqueness, and above all, a pretty cool place to be! We are the "in-crowd" that our natural Cestours within our national borders celebrate even without realizing they are doing so.
I am proud to be a Talossan and a loyal subject of our Sovereign, His Majesty King John. I am proud to serve as the Seneschal of this great nation. I am most proud to be an immigrant to this nation of freedom loving, independent thinkers. I celebrate with all of you this great day!
Long Live King John and Long May Talossa Thrive!
Dr. Txec dal Nordselva, Seneschal