As Attorney-General, I thank Dame Litz Cjantscheir, Sir Cresti Siervicül, and Alexander Davis for their solid service to the ministry, and relieve them of the burdens of their offices. I also wish Dame Litz the best in her likely future career on the Cort, Alexander the best in his undoubtedly stellar future contributions to Talossan society and culture, and Sir Cresti the best in his role a Tuischac'h.
I hereby appoint:
Magniloqueu da Lhiun as Deputy Attorney-General; and
Timotgi Asmourescu as Solicitor-General.
Óïn Ursüm
Magniloqueu da Lhiun as Deputy Attorney-General; and
Timotgi Asmourescu as Solicitor-General.
Óïn Ursüm