
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

MinFor Statement on Ukraine

Greetings, citizens.

In response to the recent invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces in order to bring about the secession of Crimea to the Russian Federation, the Foreign Ministry makes the following statement on behalf of the Talossan government.

The government of Talossa strongly condemns the recent military intervention in the Crimean peninsula by the Russian Federation and gives its resolute support to those Crimean Tartars who have been subject to racial discrimination of any kind. Similarly, we support the right to self-determination of the Tartars, as well as the ethnic Ukrainians and ethnic Russians of the region.

Éovart Andrinescu
Minister for Foreign Affairs 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Appointment of Attorney-General: Magniloqueu Épiqeu da Lhiun

The Office of the Prime Minister of Talossa

L'Óifisch dal Seneschal del Regipäts Talossa

Recommendation: Appointment of a new Attorney General

Voastra Maxhestà,

As you may have read on the forum already, this is the second time this term that our Attorney General has resigned. I can truly say that I regret his decision, but again it seems there is little choice other than to respect it. I would like to thank S:reu Asmourescu for his willingness to serve as AG and also for the work he has done during his short term in office.

I, again, also have good news. We have been able to find a very good replacement, who is a rising star in the world of Talossan politics and legal affairs. It just so happens that this person also managed to get admitted to the Royal Talossan Bar today, so the timing seems perfect.

Therefore I, Glüc da Dhi, Seneschal del Regipäts Talossan, with all duly vested authority and stuff, hereby recommend that Your Majesty appoint:

to the position of