

Notiçieir was created during my term as Seneschal, to function as an official government blog.  This was to permit the independent posting of official announcements without having to rely on Wittenberg, an Internet message board that had become too much the voice of Talossa.  However, it fell into disuse even before the end of my term, and lay dormant for more than a year.

The Reunision brought a new flow of activity in Talossa, however, and Notiçieir has been revived.  All available official government postings are posted as soon as possible, following a standard format listed below.  Other Talossans have been granted the power to make posts, with the expectation that, if they use this power, they adhere to the blog standards for the sake of uniformity.  No commentary is permitted at this time.

Notiçieir Standard and Practices
All official announcements are posted as they become available.  Noticieir will carry announcements from any of the following entities: any office of the Talossan government, any office of His Majesty's household, and the CUG.  All announcements will be carried, without discrimination based on content.  The time of posting reflects the time of reporting, rather than the time of the original announcement.  Announcements are presented, whenever possible, in undifferentiated font and format and with the absolute minimum of editing necessary for clarity.  Each announcement is headed with an image reflective of the relevant agency or (when necessary) the relevant speaker; joint announcements will use a single image for the highest-ranked agency, as defined by precedence in this order: the King, the Seneschal, Officers of the King's household, Cabinet members in Organic order, members of the Senäts, members of the Cosa, all other Talossans, all other human beings.  Each announcement will also be tagged with a descriptive but general single category.

Alexander Davis