
Monday, June 7, 2010

Appointment of the Secretary of State

Article IX: The Secretary of State, the Hopper, and the Clark
Section 1. The Seneschál shall appoint a Secretary of State to an indefinite term.
Today, I am given both a burden and a pleasure.

My burden is that I must fill the post of Secretary of State.  There is scarcely a weightier responsibility in the Kingdom.  The Secretary of State must be swift in action, cautious in judgment, keen of eye, learned in law.  He runs our elections and is pivotal in the creation of our governing apparatus.  And the people who have risen to that challenge - well, they are inevitably among the best our nation has to offer.  The Secretary of State has been the founder of Talossa, Robert I, as well as the architect of principled opposition to his tyranny, Sir Fritz.  And need the name of Woolley even be mentioned?

But despite this burden, I also have a pleasure in it.  It is indeed good to be able to say that we have another person equal to the challenge, and I know him.

It is my distinct joy to appoint the Right Honourable Iustì Carlüs Canun, speaker of the tongue and my invaluable Distain, to the position of Secretary of State.  You all know S:reu Canun, who serves as Senator for Maricopa and laboured as Seneschal last term to good effect.  I have no doubt he will prove measured to this challenge as well, and I ask him to serve his country in this new capacity.

Alexander Davis
Seneschal del Regipäts Talossan