
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Final Report of the Reunision Commission

My fellow Talossans --

As you are all aware, on 1 December of last year, representatives from the Talossan Republic approached me and our nation's government with a confidential "modest proposal". This proposal inaugurated discussions to determine a basis for the "reunision" of the two groups of Talossans under the flag of the Kingdom. The government and I were immediately receptive and a plan was formed to create a six-member Commission that would discuss and decide any preliminary issues, discuss relevant details, and topple any preliminary hurdles.

As for what those details are, the "modest proposal" laid out three guiding principles, which the Kingdom immediately embraced.

Discussion on the first of these principles, a guarantee that all Republican Talossans be welcomed, centered on the issue of citizenship dates for citizens whose first date of entry into the Talossan culture differs (as is the case for some Republican Talossans) from the date of Kingdom citizenship. This detail was recently decided in favour of recognising this first-date for all persons of all Talossan heritage, and indeed, all Republican Talossans, when "reunision" occurs, will carry with them their acknowledged Talossan tenure.

The second principle, concerning the right of Republican Talossans to continue their peculiar culture, led to discussion around planning for the possibility that an eighth province might be established after "reunision", to provide a possible "territorial autonomy" for those Republican Talossans who wish to become citizens of such a new province. Since there are a number of different possibilities as to how such an eighth province could be formed, and since the creation of a new province is already possible under current law, the members of the Commission have decided that any action on this issue will be taken by the united citizens of Talossa after "reunision" has occurred. To this end, the Commission asks for the inauguration of an open discussion, so that all Talossans can present any ideas or proposals regarding these possibilities. While "reunision" need not wait, such discussions will perhaps form a basis for actions that will be taken at a provincial level at some point in our common future. To help best achieve this goal, the Kingdom has modified the Immigration law to allow that Republican Talossans be permitted to choose their province of citizenship, so that those who wish to congregate together to form a new province from an existing one might work together with citizens of any province that might be "split".

The final principle surrounded the rescinding of the indictments for treason against the leaders of the Revolution/Secession of 2004/xxv which were handed down by the previous Rouerguian regime, and the Kingdom was only too happy to take all possible steps to put the unfortunate incidents of those years decidedly in the past, quashing and condemning the acts of King Robert I, and making it clear in no uncertain terms that no charges regarding the events sparked by those acts are to be contemplated.

Thus, with these details resolved, and with agreement that the ground is now fully prepared, it is my happy privilege to come before all Talossans today to report the successful conclusion of the business of this historic Commission. All six members of the Commission lift their glasses to toast its success with you, as, with the details hammered out, we now proceed as a united people to the actual accomplishment of "reunision".

For the Kingdom, I must repeat to all Republican Talossans our most heartfelt welcome, and our inexpressible gratitude for the "modest proposal" on which the future of our proud Talossan culture now firmly rests.

— John R