
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Financial Report of the 44th Cosa

Official Document of the Royal Treasury
Financial Report of the 44th Cosa

The following information accounts for each financial transaction made by and for the Kingdom of Talossa.

$774.87 - Start of Cosa 44
+ .78 - Interest accrued during C44
- 50.35 - Chain (44RZ14 Section 1.a)
+ 272.00 - Stamp Kickstarter
- 26.48 - Stamp Kickstarter Fees
- 195.05 - Printing
- 12.40 - Shipping of Kickstarter Perks
- 33.00 - Flag (44RZ14 Section 1.b)
- 10.00 - Medallion (44RZ14 Section 1.a) Outstanding
$720.37 - End of Cosa 45