
Monday, December 17, 2012

Change in Cabinet


The Office of the Prime Minister

L'Óifisch dal Seneschal

Cabinet Change Recommendations

I come now before the throne seeking an audience to recommend the appointment of Ministers to Your Majesty’s Government.

The following Talossans have proven through their abilities, hard work, dedication, loyalty, and most of all their Talossanity that they will serve the nation well as Ministers in Your Majesty's Government.

Therefore, I, Çesli da Chilseu, with all duly vested authority and stuff, hereby recommend that Your Gracious Majesty appoint these loyal subjects to the following cabinet posts:


Pöl d'Aurìbuérg
to the position of

Béneditsch Ardpresteir
to the position of

Audradâ d'Aurìbuérg
to the position of
Minister of Immigration

Confident that the Crown will consent to accept these wise recommendations, may I be the first to congratulate each of the newly appointed Ministers and I wish them every success in their Ministries. I look forward to working with y'all.

Çesli da Chilseu


Friday, December 14, 2012

Proclamation of Mourning: Connecticut School Shooting


The Office of the Prime Minister

L'Óifisch dal Seneschal

Proclamation of Mourning

With all the changes that are going on in the kingdom, it pains me that this is my first order of duty as your new Seneschal. As many of you have heard, or will shortly hear, yet another act of senseless violence has taken innocent lives in Connecticut. Innocence lends horror to violence, and none are more innocent than our children. It is with great empathy for the friends and families of the deceased, and with horror at the actions that have caused the need for empathy, that I issue this Proclamation of Mourning for the kingdom. My heart and the heart of the nation goes out to all involved. 

WHEREAS the loss of innocent life is horrible and always to be mourned, and

WHEREAS none are more innocent than children, and

WHEREAS the people of the Kingdom of Talossa are to be counted on to stand strong against needless violence, 

THEREFORE the government of the Kingdom of Talossa calls upon all its citizens to observe a period of mourning extending through the 15th of December 2012, for the victims of elementary school shooting in Connecticut. We offer our thoughts and prayers for the innocent lives lost, and to those who survive them. 

Done with the deepest sympathy for our friends and neighbors in Connecticut on this, the fourteenth day of December in the year 2012, being the thirty-third year of the independence of Talossa and the sixth of the reign of our Sovereign John.

Çesli da Chilseu

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Resignation of the Seneschal

Fellow Talossans --

One hour ago, at 12:12:12 Talossan Time on 12/12/12, being the thirty-second Llimbaziua (and also known as Sound Check Day), I tendered my resignation as Prime Minister to His Majesty the King, who accepted it with some reluctance. This step, coming as it does at the end of my term as President of the Comità del Útzil del Glheþ, is something that I have discussed with members of my party and the government for the past month or so.

It has been a distinct pleasure to serve again as the Prime Minister for this wonderful nation, and the decision to step aside was not one that was made lightly. I have come to feel, however, that with events outside the nation taking much of my time, I am currently not able to serve with the dedication required from a Seneschal, and that the nation would be better served by a fresh leadership team less encumbered by outside responsibilities and obligations.

The Right Honourable Distain, Çesli da Chilseu, having indicated her readiness and willingness to do so, is now the 40th Seneschal of the Kingdom of Talossa, and after the administration of her oath of office, will settle into her duties, beginning with appointing her own replacement in the position of Distain.

S:r Pôl d'Aurìbuérg takes over, effective immediately, as Party Leader of the RUMP.

The trappings of my office (especially all the mail I get, the duties of prodding the Immigration Minister incessantly, trying to resist the urge to go back to doing his job so that it gets done, and the Website updating responsibilities) will be transferred to their new owners over the next days and weeks.

I thank the nation for honouring me with the chance to lead the government, which I leave in good hands. I further trust in the fact that the future of Talossa is as bright as or brighter than ever (as long as the world doesn't end in nine days like so many TV shows would like us to believe).

In leaving office, I am proud to become the first Talossan Prime Minister to have been both preceded and followed in office by a female. I offer Prime Minister da Chilseu my very best wishes for success in the remainder of the Cosa, confident that the trust given her is well-placed.


Monday, November 26, 2012

IA Award: Txec Róibeard Nordselva

The Office of the Minister of Immigration

L'Óifisch del Ministreu d’Inmigraziun

Immigration Award Speech by the Minister of Immigration

My Fellow Talossans,

The Ministry of Immigration has always strived to the culture and spirit of upbringing incoming Citizens into a nation dedicated to the idea of fun, culture, and excellence beyond all others. The belief that Talossans hold such values so dearly, that they wish to share that spirit with Prospectives, is one that shows pure dedication and loyalty to the nation. Today, we celebrate the dedication of one such Talossan, who has given up much of his time to the successful upbringing of prospective citizens, and through his guidance and support, has become full citizens of the kingdom.

Txec Róibeard Nordselva has shown the dedication and support a prospective citizen needs to become a full citizen. When Txec was a prospective not too long ago, Pôl d'Aurìbuérg was his TALOSSAssistant, and in September 2012, Txec became a citizen of our great Kingdom.

When asked, “What do you like best about helping prospective citizens in their journey to citizenship?” Txec’s answer was, “I like helping prospects because they are our nations future.”

As I know those of who who are still reading are probably falling asleep. So, without further ado, In accordance to the requirements set down by the Minister of Immigration, It is with great pleasure to announce to the Kingdom, that Txec Róibeard Nordselva has Officially received the Immigration Achievement Award, for helping a total of 5 Prospective citizens gain full citizenship. We thank you for your continued Support.

Signed by the hand of the Minister of Immigration this 26th day of November, in the year of the common era 2012, in the 6th year of the reign of our gracious sovereign King John, and of the independence of Talossa the 33rd.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

November Announcement from SoS

Éu volt qe toct säpadra doua cosas:

Cosa Prüma: El Clark da Noemvar serà la respunçivalità del Secretar Deputat d'Estat, S:r Éovart Grischun.

Cosa Secund: El Secretar d'Estat requesta qe el Seneschal zesclaradra qe Zecemvar serà 'n mes da spaßetxada, com'usual, parç qe muiteux da noschtri Erteiers fuliensen adreßarhent els exameux, las paratüras per las feschtas, els evints famiglheschti, voiatxen, e.s.p.

S:reu Iustì Canun, UrN
Secretar d'Estat.


I want everyone two know two things:

Thing One: The November Clark will be the responsibility of the Deputy Secretary of State, S:r Éovart Grischun.

Thing Two: The Secretary of State requests that the Seneschal declare December a month of recess, as usual, because many of our fellow Talossans will be dealing with exams, holiday preparations, family events, trips, etc.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

MinStuff Appointment: Litz Cjantscheir


The Office of the Prime Minister

L'Óifisch del Seneschal

Appointment of an Even Newer Minister of Stuff

I have reluctantly accepted the resignation of Danihel Teziun as Minister of Stuff, whose lame claim is that having a new Dandelion seems to mean he has no time anymore. Sheesh. I have two kids. Heck, our King has something like eight. 

But anyway, S:r Teziun will be transferring his knowledge to his successor.

This post in the Cabinet being vacant, I, Ma la Mha, Seneschal del Regipäts Talossan, with all duly vested authority and stuff, hereby recommend that His Majesty the King do appoint:

Dame Litz Cjantscheir, UrN
to the position of
Minister of Stuff

Minister Cjantscheir is welcomed to office, and comes with the enthusiasm necessary for the job. She has informed me that she will be getting a team together that will indeed take the Website project from here to completion.

Baron Hooligan Count of Florencia (sigh)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Immigration Achievement Reward: Pôl d'Aurìbuérg

The Office of the Minister of Immigration

L'Óifisch del Ministreu d’Inmigraziun

Immigration Achievement Award Announcement

My Fellow Talossans,

The Ministry of Immigration has always strived to the culture and spirit of upbringing incoming Citizens into a nation dedicated to the idea of fun, culture, and excellence beyond all others. The belief that Talossans hold such values so dearly, that they wish to share that spirit with Prospectives, is one that shows pure dedication and loyalty to the nation. Today, we celebrate the dedication of one such Talossan, who has given up much of his time to the successful upbringing of prospective citizens, and through his guidance and support, has become full citizens of the kingdom.

Pôl d'Aurìbuérg has shown the dedication and support a prospective citizen needs to become a full citizen. When Pol was a prospective not too long ago, Flip Molinar was his TALOSSAssistant, and in September 2011, Pol became a citizen of our great Kingdom.

Pol has decided that helping incoming citizens is a must and is always willing to step up to be somebody’s TALOSSAssistant. And currently during my short term in office already, Pol has helped several Citizens.

When asked, “What do you like best about helping prospective citizens in their journey to citizenship?” Pol’s answer was, “I like seeing them all excited to bring some ideas and meeting different people. It really helps our growing nation.”

As I know those of who who are still reading are probably falling asleep. So, without further ado, In accordance to the requirements set down by the Minister of Immigration, It is with great pleasure to announce to the Kingdom, that Pôl d'Aurìbuérg has Officially received the Immigration Achievement Award, for helping a total of 5 Prospective citizens gain full citizenship. We thank you for your continued Support.

Signed by the hand of the Minister of Immigration this 23rd day of September, in the year of the common era 2012, in the 6th year of the reign of our gracious sovereign King John, and of the independence of Talossa the 33rd.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Appointment of MinStuff: Danihel Teziun


The Office of the Prime Minister

L'Óifisch del Seneschal

Appointment of a New Minister of Stuff

With sympathy and sadness, I accepted the resignation this morning of Stéafan d'Unmortadel as Minister of Stuff, and offered on behalf of the nation its grateful thanks for his service. S:r d'Unmortadel tendered this resignation due to a tragic death of a family member, and his own feeling that this tragedy will, understandably, render him unable to dedicate himself to his position as a minister of the government for the near-term future.

To S:r d'Unmortadel, who is himself still recovering from surgery, go the thoughts, wishes, and prayers of his nation through this time of grief and shock. I have assured our friend that we, his fellow-citizens, are here for him and will be here waiting his return to active Talossan life once he has gone through the trials of his current circumstances.

This post in the Cabinet being vacant, I, Ma la Mha, Seneschal del Regipäts Talossan, with all duly vested authority and stuff, hereby recommend that His Majesty the King do appoint:

Danihel Teziun
to the position of
Minister of Stuff

S:r Teziun's current position as Chief of the Bureau of SPAM, is left vacant, but I am informed that it will be filled by a new Head Spammajamma within a couple of weeks.

Minister Teziun is welcomed (back) to office, and comes with the enthusiasm necessary for the job. The important work of the Ministry of STUFF, especially as regards the creation and population of the new Web presence for the Kingdom and the expansion of its social networking tentacles, will proceed with as little delay as possible.

Baron Hooligan

PD: Michael Pope Citizenship


The Office of the Prime Minister

L'Óifisch del Seneschal

The Row Your Boat Ashore Dictate

WHEREAS no score and fourteen years ago, came forth to this nation a new personality, conceived in Talossanity and dedicated to the proposition that Talossans are created cooler, and

WHEREAS, then we were engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that Talossanity or any Talossan so conceived and so dedicated could long endure, and

WHEREAS that's about as far as I can take this strange allusion to the Gettysburg Address, when you would think I would have been mucking with quotes from "Michael, Row Your Boat Ashore" and mixing in some "Hallelujiah"s with the "Whereas"s, but hey, even I don't know how my mind works sometimes, and apparently between writing the title and the first "Whereas" I forgot what I was doing, and

WHEREAS the point is that the Talossanity within this personality so conceived did indeed long endure, through renunciation in the face of tyrrany, through life as a different part of the Talossan culture, and then through a number of years away, concentrating on important non-Talossan (seems like an oxymoron, I know) matters, and

WHEREAS this personality has requested of my office the restoration of his lapsed citizenship, restoring to him on the records what was never apart from him in fact, so now

THEREFORE, I, Ma la Mha, Seneschal del Regipäts Talossan, with all duly vested authority and stuff, do hereby and forthwith declare the following Prime Dictate, beseeching his Majesty the King to grant royal assent with all due celerity that it might become law:
  • His having fulfilled the requirements of law,
    the Talossan citizenship of Michael Pope is hereby restored in full,
    and is dated, as is custom, tradition, and right, to its original date of 21 May 1998.
  • In accordance with the wishes and request of the said citizen Pope, the Secretary of State is instructed to transfer the provincial assignment of S:reu Pope from Maritiimi-Maxhestic to Fiova.
Done under my hand and seal, as from Kenwood House, on this the 29th day of August in the year 2012, in the 6th year of the reign of our gracious sovereign John, and the 33rd year of the independence of the Kingdom of Talossa.

Hallelujiah, and prima capiam pocula!

Baron Hooligan

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Approval of Guest: Michael Pope


The Office of the Prime Minister

L'Óifisch del Seneschal

Approval of a Wittenberg Guest

This morning, His Majesty the King forwarded me an email he received from the 24th Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Talossa, a man who served in that office longer than any other, leading the government during six consecutive Cosas, and for over three years.

My famed and esteemed predecessor has requested, and I have (with unspeakable joy) granted, the permission required by 35RZ2, The Wittenberg is for Talossans Act, to be a guest here on Wittenberg.

It is with incredible pleasure that I am able to re-introduce to these pages the great former Talossan (and yes, I have already begun the begging process to convince him to re-embrace his Talossanity by reclaiming his lapsed citizenship)....
Michael Pope!!!

And a very Happy Monarchy Day to us all!


Monday, August 20, 2012

Appointment of Ambassador-General for Asia: Béneditsch Ardpresteir


The Office of the Foreign Affairs Minister

L’Óifisch del Ministreu dels Afaes Utpätseschti

I am pleased to announce the elevation of Béneditsch Ardpresteir as Ambassador-General of Asia. 

Please join me in congratulating S:reu Ardpresteir as we envision the advancement of our great and noble Kingdom.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

First Administration Report; New Blog


The Office of the Prime Minister

L'Óifisch del Seneschal

Issuance of the First Report of the Administration

Fellow Talossans,

In accordance with the requirements placed on the administration by The Talossan Government Transparency Act (39RZ16), a blog has been established and the first report of the administration can be found posted there:


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

MinImm: Immigration Achievement Award

The Office of the Minister of Immigration

L'Óifisch del Ministreu d’Inmigraziun

Press Release from the Minister of Immigration

The Ministry of Immigration will be offering a new award to TALOSSAssistants, Any TALOSSAssistant that helps a total of 5 prospective Citizens will receive the "Immigration Achievement Award".
This Award is only available to TA’s that help FROM THIS DATE FORWARD (if you are helping a prospective citizen now, it WILL count for this award.) Also the Prospective must become a full citizen before it will count.
Once the fifth prospective becomes a citizen, the Ministry will send you a notice of receipt. (Note, we are trying to create a physical award that would then be sent to you, However, until this can be done, you will receive this award virtually)
We hope that each and every Citizen will help our prospectives to the best of their ability, and hope that, by including this incentive, more citizens will sign up to become TALOSSAssistants.
For more information or to sign up to become a TA; please contact me via PM or email (

Davìu Lundescu
Minister of Immigration

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Recommendation of a Túischac'h: Litz Cjantscheir


The Office of the Prime Minister

L'Óifisch del Seneschal

Recommendation of a Túischac'h

Voastra Maxhestà —

I come now before the throne seeking an audience to recommend the appointment of a Túischac'h for Your Majesty's 44th Cosa.

Your Majesty's previous First Minister is a loyal and dedicated Talossan, whose retirement from the helm of government was hard-earned. She comments daily on her happy state of retirement, aggravating me to no end. Pleased to be able to do absolutely nothing in government anymore, she looks forward to spending time in her duties as Your Majesty's Chancellor of the Royal Talossan Bar, and to continuing to laugh at me for my present fate and circumstances. Insisting that this state of laziness be preserved, before agreeing to accept appointment to the post now in question, she has made doubly sure that there shall be no work involved whatsoever, work that might take time away from her ridiculing me and telling me how happy she is not to be me. Having found that this post will not interfere with those requirements upon which she so insists, she has consented to serve should the Crown so appoint her.
Therefore, I, Ma la Mha, Seneschal del Regipäts Talossan, with all duly vested authority and stuff, hereby recommend that Your Gracious Majesty appoint

Erschéveþ (Litz) Cjantscheir, Esq.

to the post of Túischac'h of the Cosa.

Confident that the Crown will consent to accept this wise recommendation, I make myself the first to congratulate my esteemed predecessor as she takes up the non-duties of this her new sinecure. I look forward to her doing absolutely nothing, and doing it well. If we actually have a Living Cosa and she has to do something, I will promise to laugh at her, but unfortunately, I don't see it happening.

Baron Tepistà

Friday, July 27, 2012

MinImm: New Citizens Committee Officer: No'ac'h da Cjög

The Office of the Minister of Immigration

L'Óifisch del Ministreu d’Inmigraziun

Supplement Announcement

The Ministry of Immigration hereby announces a new Officer of the New Citizens Committee:

No'ac'h da Cjög has gracefully stepped up to become an Officer of the NCC, with the duty of assigning TALOSSAssistants to prospective citizens.

Please note that this assignment is not for the Titular leader of the New Citizens Committee, which is still unnamed; but rather is an assistant to the leader.

I would like to thank No'ac'h for his courage and sacrifice for stepping up this this challenge. 

God Save The King! God Bless Our Gracious Kingdom!

Davíu Lundescu
Minister of Immigration

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

MinCult Org

La Ministrà da Cúltura
The Ministry of Culture

The Ministry of Culture is focused on expanding its role in Talossa. We are planning some very interested projects and want to invite all Talossans to take part. 

As previoulsy posted, S:reu Iustì Canun will be Ladintsch Naziunal of El Büreu del Glhetg.

The Wargames Bureau will be headed by the newly appointed National Gamemaster, Munditenens (Dien) Tresplet. 

I am creating a new bureau known as the Bureau of the Four Everlasting Stars (Büreu dels Qátor Itrins Iterneux) or 4I². This new office will focuse on finding ways to maintain the unique culture of the former Republic of Talossa. I have reached out to the former Republicans; Ián Txaglh and D. N. Vercáriâ have agreed to help out in this new bureau.

I am also considering working on putting together a Talossan cookbook. How this will looks has yet to be decided but I will be asking for Talossa's help in trying out different recipes to include in the book.

Finally, another bureau is currently being worked on that will focus on the literary workings of our population. The idea is to create a Literary Journal based solely on the writings of our fellow Talossans. Once this bureau is formalized, it will be announced. 

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to assist with the plans and projects of the Ministry of Culture. We look forward to offering bringing Talossan culture to all of our citizens.

Ministreu V

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

MCs for the 44th

CeR11Eldsfäts Blasiüs6
Suischadna Blasiüs5
CSPP19Owen Edwards4
Éovart Grischun3
Breneir Tzaracomprada3
Flip Molinar3
Davíu Lundescu3
Eiric Biançéu3
MRPT18Alexandreu Bisquinc6
Lüc da Schir6
Niclau Patíci6
RUMP108P.Þon. Ma la Mha, Baron Tepistà18
T.Þon. Çesli da Chilseu9
Litz Cjantscheir9
Alexandreu Davinescu9
S:reu Trotxâ Betiñéir9
Bleic'h Ianescu9
Vitxalmour Conductour9
Ian da Bitour9
Dien Tresplet9
Danihel Txechescu9
Pôl d'Auribuérg9
ZRT44Miestrâ Schivâ10
C. Carlüs Xheráltsëfiglheu10
Eoin Ursüm10
Sariah Gipson10
Mximo Carbonél4

Seneschal announces Twitter


After some discussion with members of the Ministry of Stuff concerning whether the account should be "RTSeneschal" or something, it was decided that a Twitter account called @BaronHooligan would suffice to allow your Prime Minister (that would be me) to twoot things to anyone who cares what he (that would be me) wants to twoot about.

So, while I have never twooted before, and also can't promise when I'll twoot for the first time, I guess those of you who know how to do such things can "Follow" me or whatever.

I promise not to twoot about when I need to visit the restroom and stuff (otherwise, why do we have GoogleTalk?!), and, while serving as Seneschal, I will probably try to restrict my twooting to Talossan governmental matters. Any guidance in what might or might not be good twoot-fodder will be welcome. Anything the government does (like the bureau reorganisations currently going on) might be twooted, even though any Wittsters will also be obviously aware of them. Will that be overkill? How should I know? I have never used this twooter thing ever before.

There is also another Twitter account, of course, @Talossa, which currently has over 100 followers and which the government (specifically the Ministry of Stuff) will work to make more active.

Future Twooter

MinStuff Org


L'Óifisch del Ministreu del Sanavarh da Talossa àls Ultra-Fiovan Folas

The Office of the Minister of Stuff

Within the Ministry of Stuff, I hereby create the Bureau of Social Publicity Administraton and Management (SPAM). This bureau will oversee the Gremiour Talossan dels Zesegneirs Telaragneschti (Talossan Website Designer's Guild), and will be headed by Danihel Teziun.

It is our most sincere hope that SPAM will provide a great resource for outreach and promotion of our great kingdom and culture. I have great faith in the abilities and enthusiasm of the Gremiour Talossan dels Zesegneirs Telaragneschti and complete confidence in their work and leadership.

Done on this day, the 24th of July, 2012, in the sixth year of the reign of King John. 

God Save the King! Hail Talossa!

Stéafan D'Unmortadel

MinHome Org


The Office of the Minister of Home Affairs

L'Óifisch del Ministreu dels Afaes Inphätseschti

I announce the following staffing and reorganisation of governmental bureaus within the Ministry of Home Affairs:
  • To the office of National Pacifier, head of the Bureau of Cestour Affairs, I appoint Scott Tucker.
  • I further create, at the request and with the approval of the Seneschal, the Bureau of Provincial Affairs, to which a leader will be appointed soon — an offer of appointment has been tendered, and I hope it will be accepted.
The Head of the Bureau of Cestour Affairs is currently working on Talossa Fest that will be coming soon.

Danihel Meriula
Minister of Home Affairs

MinCult Beginning

Azul fellow Talossans: 

I am so excited to be the new Minister of Culture. 

My first order of business is to appoint S:reu Iustì Canun as Ladintsch Naziunal of El Büreu del Glhetg.

I'm still vetting candidates for the National Gamemaster. If you're interested, contact me. 

Moving on, I have been brain storming different ideas that we can start *and* finish this term. 

Some of the ideas I've brainstorm is putting together some type of literary journal with contributions from our citizens. I know we have a lot of creative folks here so I would like to see something come together. 

Another idea bouncing around in my head would be to explore Talossan cuisine, perhaps putting together a virtual Talossan cookbook. For this, I will definitely need the help of my fellow Talossans to explore different recipes and delve deeply into our shared Berber heritage. 

I also think the culture of the Republic needs to be preserved and I would be interested to work with some former citizens of the Republic to preserve the customs that developed separate of the Kingdom during the time of the schism. 

I'm also open to other ideas from everyone. Brainstorm, post or PM me your feedback. 

Minister V

MinImm Organization

The Office of the Immigration Minister
L’Óifisch del Ministreu d’Inmigraziun

I announce the following staffing and reorganisation of governmental bureaus within the Ministry of Immigration:

The Titular Leader of the New Citizens Committee is under consideration and will be stated later.
The current deputies of the Ministry of Immigration are as follows:
Glüc da Dhi
Béneditsch Ardpresteir,Ben-Ard

The Ministry of Immigration looks forward to helping the Kingdom, and will serve his Majesty to our fullest ability.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Cabinet Recommendations


The Office of the Prime Minister

L'Óifisch del Seneschal

Cabinet Recommendations

Voastra Maxhestà —

I come now before the throne seeking an audience to recommend the appointment of Ministers to Your Majesty’s Government.

The following Talossans have proven through their abilities, hard work, dedication, loyalty, and most of all their Talossanity that they will serve the nation well as Ministers in Your Majesty's Government.

Therefore, I, Ma la Mha, Seneschal del Regipäts Talossan, with all duly vested authority and stuff, hereby recommend that Your Gracious Majesty appoint these loyal subjects to the following cabinet posts:

Çesli da Chilseu
to the position of

Daniel Kass
to the position of
Minister of Home Affairs;

Istefan Perþonest
to the position of
Minister of Finance;

Béneditsch Ardpresteir
to the position of

Stéafan d'Unmortadel
to the position of
Minister of Stuff;

Eldsfäts Blasiüs
to the position of
Minister of Foreign Affairs;

Bradley Holmes
to the position of
Minister of Defence;

Viteu Marcianüs
to the position of
Minister of Culture; and

Davíu Lundescu
to the position of
Minister of Immigration.

Confident that the Crown will consent to accept these wise recommendations, may I be the first to congratulate each of the newly appointed Ministers and I wish them every success in their Ministries. I look forward to working with you all over the upcoming term.

Baron Tepistà

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Partial Election Results

Other than the assignment of Cosa seats, all has been decided for the upcoming legislative session.

First, the Senators:
BENITO: M:sr Iason Taiwos wins the seat, defeating his opponent Istefan Perþonest 14 to 9.
FIÔVÂ: S:r Ián Anglatzarâ wins, edging out his opponents, M:sr Dieter Vercáriâ and D:ra Miestrâ Schiva 6 to 4 each.
MARITIIMI-MAXHESTIC: Capt. S:reu Mick Preston defeated his (write-in) opponent, Conta Danihel Laurieir, 11 to 3.

Second, the Referenda:
43RZ11, The Article XVII Cleanup Amendment, PASSED 106-4-11.
43RZ18, The More Reasonable Deadline Amendment, PASSED 99-11-12.
43RZ19, The "Cantons are Talossan, not American" Amendment, PASSED 103-8-10.
43RZ25, The Take Me to the River Omnibus Act, PASSED 82-15-12.
43RZ32, The Too Many Inactive Cooks Amendment, PASSED 97-9-15.
43RZ33, The Three-Strike Amendment, PASSED 96-14-11.
43RZ34, The Duel-Preventing Grammar Amendment, PASSED 99-9-13.
43RZ36, The Senate Election Details Amendment, PASSED 89-18-15.

Finally, the Cosa seatings:
will be posted here once they're finalised, but everything else is officially official and stuff.

Further resultish things: The always sad strike assessment.

We must, sadly, bid farewell to the following nine people:
From Atatürk Province, Davíu Dréwiþ and Michael Holmes.
From Cézembre Province, Ian Danois, Mataiwos Delgat, Iac Marabuerg and Eugene Oh.
From Maricopa Province, Bryan Velluci.
From Maritiimi-Maxhestic Province, Danihel Lupulet.
From Vuode, Miguel Atienza.

The following eight citizens have accumulated their second strike:
From Benito, Éovart Caçeir
From Cézembre, Sevastain Barclamíu, Stefan da Pair and Danihel dal Vaißela.
From Maritiimi-Maxhestic, Tric'hard Dïeulofaçeva, Mathias Liszt and Elana Vital.
From Vuode, Alexandréu Gavárþic'h.

The following seventeen citizens have accumulated their first strike:
From Atatürk, Max Sklar and Hakan Sönmez.
From Benito, Agoschtin Cüpeleir.
From Cézembre, X.G. d'Aratorxheu and Samuel Jenson.
From Fiôvâ, Garth Spencer.
From Maricopa, Aaron Birchfield, Sebastian Bustany, Antonio Çamberleir, Sudipto Chakravorty, Manuel Girardi, Mic'haglha Schcela and Alex Selimov.
From Martiimi-Maxhestic, David Grappio.
From Vuode, Atxuteir Chelarxheir, Satüreu Cunstantì, Vaughan Dodds.

Iustì Canun, Secretar d'Estat

Inauguration of Seneschal: Baron Hooligan


John, by the Grace of God King of Talossa
will (God willing) swear in
Lord Hooligan (aka Manus Hand)
as Seneschal of the Kingdom of Talossa
for the 44th Cosa.

The Inauguration ceremony will be held
at the Spotted Dog pub,
inside the Inverness Hotel,
200 Inverness Drive West,
Englewood, Colorado 80112

at about 6:30 pm, Thursday 19 July 2012/xxxiii

and will feature much fun,
and a free taco bar.

It is fervently hoped that many of you
will be able to attend this historic event.

King John

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Polls Closed

The election polls have now officially closed. 

Éovart Grischun
Deputat Secretar d'Estat

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Recommendation of Pengöpäts Governor: Munditenens Tresplet

The Office of the Prime Minister

L'Óifisch dal Seneschal

Recommendation: Royal Governor of Pengöpäts

Voastra Maxhestà,

WHEREAS the current Royal Governor, The Honourable Eugene Oh has served the province of Pengöpäts honourably since the 28th February 2006,

WHEREAS In that time, S:reu Eugene Oh has performed his duties in this office admirably and has the thanks of the Nation for his service to Talossa and the Crown,

WHEREAS There are a number of outstanding issues to be dealt with such as the discovery of illegally-immigrating penguins crossing into our territory from abroad and traffic congestion.

WHEREAS, S:reu Munditenens (Dien) Tresplet has indicated his wiliness and dedication to serve His Majesty as the Royal Governor of Pengöpäts and has a exceptional record of working in the cold and with flightless birds,


I, Erschéveþ Cjantscheir, Seneschal del Regipäts Talossan, with all duly vested authority and stuff, do hereby and forthwith, recommend that Your Gracious Majesty appoint, Munditenens (Dien) Tresplet as Royal Governor of Pengöpäts, with all due powers and duties thereof, in full belief that he reaches and exceeds the criteria expected from the office of Royal Governor of Pengöpäts , will work diligently at this post and will not allow this office to be neglected, become a sinecure or fall inactive.

Confident that the Crown will consent to accept this wise recommendation, I wish to convey on behalf of Your Majesty’s Government and the citizens of the Kingdom, my congratulations and best wishes to S:reu Tresplet as he takes up his new office.

Done under my hand and seal, as from Kenwood House, this day the 9th day of July, in the Year of Our Lord 2012, of the independence of Talossa the thirty-third, and the fifth in the reign of our gracious Sovereign John.