Other than the assignment of Cosa seats, all has been decided for the upcoming legislative session.
First, the Senators:
BENITO: M:sr Iason Taiwos wins the seat, defeating his opponent Istefan Perþonest 14 to 9.
FIÔVÂ: S:r Ián Anglatzarâ wins, edging out his opponents, M:sr Dieter Vercáriâ and D:ra Miestrâ Schiva 6 to 4 each.
MARITIIMI-MAXHESTIC: Capt. S:reu Mick Preston defeated his (write-in) opponent, Conta Danihel Laurieir, 11 to 3.
Second, the Referenda:
43RZ11, The Article XVII Cleanup Amendment, PASSED 106-4-11.
43RZ18, The More Reasonable Deadline Amendment, PASSED 99-11-12.
43RZ19, The "Cantons are Talossan, not American" Amendment, PASSED 103-8-10.
43RZ25, The Take Me to the River Omnibus Act, PASSED 82-15-12.
43RZ32, The Too Many Inactive Cooks Amendment, PASSED 97-9-15.
43RZ33, The Three-Strike Amendment, PASSED 96-14-11.
43RZ34, The Duel-Preventing Grammar Amendment, PASSED 99-9-13.
43RZ36, The Senate Election Details Amendment, PASSED 89-18-15.
Finally, the Cosa seatings:
will be posted here once they're finalised, but everything else is officially official and stuff.
Further resultish things: The always sad strike assessment.
We must, sadly, bid farewell to the following nine people:
From Atatürk Province, Davíu Dréwiþ and Michael Holmes.
From Cézembre Province, Ian Danois, Mataiwos Delgat, Iac Marabuerg and Eugene Oh.
From Maricopa Province, Bryan Velluci.
From Maritiimi-Maxhestic Province, Danihel Lupulet.
From Vuode, Miguel Atienza.
The following eight citizens have accumulated their second strike:
From Benito, Éovart Caçeir
From Cézembre, Sevastain Barclamíu, Stefan da Pair and Danihel dal Vaißela.
From Maritiimi-Maxhestic, Tric'hard Dïeulofaçeva, Mathias Liszt and Elana Vital.
From Vuode, Alexandréu Gavárþic'h.
The following seventeen citizens have accumulated their first strike:
From Atatürk, Max Sklar and Hakan Sönmez.
From Benito, Agoschtin Cüpeleir.
From Cézembre, X.G. d'Aratorxheu and Samuel Jenson.
From Fiôvâ, Garth Spencer.
From Maricopa, Aaron Birchfield, Sebastian Bustany, Antonio Çamberleir, Sudipto Chakravorty, Manuel Girardi, Mic'haglha Schcela and Alex Selimov.
From Martiimi-Maxhestic, David Grappio.
From Vuode, Atxuteir Chelarxheir, Satüreu Cunstantì, Vaughan Dodds.

Iustì Canun, Secretar d'Estat