Azul fellow Talossans:
I am so excited to be the new Minister of Culture.
My first order of business is to appoint S:reu Iustì Canun as Ladintsch Naziunal of El Büreu del Glhetg.
I'm still vetting candidates for the National Gamemaster. If you're interested, contact me.
Moving on, I have been brain storming different ideas that we can start *and* finish this term.
Some of the ideas I've brainstorm is putting together some type of literary journal with contributions from our citizens. I know we have a lot of creative folks here so I would like to see something come together.
Another idea bouncing around in my head would be to explore Talossan cuisine, perhaps putting together a virtual Talossan cookbook. For this, I will definitely need the help of my fellow Talossans to explore different recipes and delve deeply into our shared Berber heritage.
I also think the culture of the Republic needs to be preserved and I would be interested to work with some former citizens of the Republic to preserve the customs that developed separate of the Kingdom during the time of the schism.
I'm also open to other ideas from everyone. Brainstorm, post or PM me your feedback.
Minister V