
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Recommendation of a Túischac'h: Litz Cjantscheir


The Office of the Prime Minister

L'Óifisch del Seneschal

Recommendation of a Túischac'h

Voastra Maxhestà —

I come now before the throne seeking an audience to recommend the appointment of a Túischac'h for Your Majesty's 44th Cosa.

Your Majesty's previous First Minister is a loyal and dedicated Talossan, whose retirement from the helm of government was hard-earned. She comments daily on her happy state of retirement, aggravating me to no end. Pleased to be able to do absolutely nothing in government anymore, she looks forward to spending time in her duties as Your Majesty's Chancellor of the Royal Talossan Bar, and to continuing to laugh at me for my present fate and circumstances. Insisting that this state of laziness be preserved, before agreeing to accept appointment to the post now in question, she has made doubly sure that there shall be no work involved whatsoever, work that might take time away from her ridiculing me and telling me how happy she is not to be me. Having found that this post will not interfere with those requirements upon which she so insists, she has consented to serve should the Crown so appoint her.
Therefore, I, Ma la Mha, Seneschal del Regipäts Talossan, with all duly vested authority and stuff, hereby recommend that Your Gracious Majesty appoint

Erschéveþ (Litz) Cjantscheir, Esq.

to the post of Túischac'h of the Cosa.

Confident that the Crown will consent to accept this wise recommendation, I make myself the first to congratulate my esteemed predecessor as she takes up the non-duties of this her new sinecure. I look forward to her doing absolutely nothing, and doing it well. If we actually have a Living Cosa and she has to do something, I will promise to laugh at her, but unfortunately, I don't see it happening.

Baron Tepistà