
Monday, July 2, 2012

Announcement: TalossaWiki

The Office of the Prime Minister

L'Óifisch dal Seneschal


The government is proud to announce an amazing new breakthrough in Talossa's web presence:

Under the leadership of Minister of Stuff Danihel Teziun, we have created a platform for Talossans to learn about Talossan and WRITE about Talossa, in a way that's easier than it's ever been!

Some content has been added by the team, which consists of Minister Teziun, your humble outgoing PM (myself), Baron Hooligan, Alexander Davis, Istefan Perþonest, and Iustì Canun.

The new TalossaWiki is fully-featured, allowing you (yes, you! we need your help!) to make articles on anything, adding images and links, and updating it yourself as you please!

Organic Law and statutory laws are busily being added by the Scribe (Vitxalmour Conductour) and his dedicated minion (Stéfan D'Unmortadel). These will be integrated into the wiki format and will be easily searchable, citable, and linkable (and then some!).

Now you can not only learn about the history of your nation - you can help WRITE it!

Come to TalossaWiki, and make the Kingdom of Talossa YOUR kingdom!

Litz Cjantscheir