
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Cabinet Appointments: Istefan Perþonest for Burgermeister, Chelli dal Nordselva for Culture

The Office of the Prime Minister of Talossa

L'Óifisch dal Seneschal del Regipäts Talossa

Appointments to the Cabinet

I have appointed upon His Majesty the Kings concurrence the Rt. Honorable Istefan Perþonest to take up the duties of Burgermeister of Inland Revenue.

Additionally, I have appointed and His Majesty has accepted Chelli dal Nordselva to fill the vacant Minister of Culture for the remainder of the 45th Cosa.

Done under my hand and seal, as from Kenwood House, this day the 16th day of July, in the Year of Our Lord 2013, of the independence of Talossa the thirty-fourth, and the seventh in the reign of our gracious Sovereign John.

Txec Róibeard dal Nordselva, MC