
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Declaration of a Month of Recess

The Office of the Prime Minister of Talossa

L'Óifisch dal Seneschal del Regipäts Talossa

Declaration of a Month of Recess

According to Article XIII Section 3 of the Organic Law, the Seneschál may insert between any two Clarks, or after the final Clark, a "month of recess" in which no Clark is published and no Cosâ or Senäts business is conducted. No more than one "month of recess" may be declared during any one term of office.

I hereby declare that the month of August, 2013, shall be a month of recess.

Done under my hand and seal, as from Kenwood House, this day the 24th day of July, in the Year of Our Lord 2013, of the independence of Talossa the thirty-fourth, and the seventh in the reign of our gracious Sovereign John.

Txec Róibeard dal Nordselva, MC