In the case of vacant seats occurring between elections, the Secretary of State shall inform the King and the leader of whatever party held the vacant seat. The King shall appoint a replacement to each vacancy. If the seat belonged to a party with a functioning party leader, the King must appoint as a replacement whichever person shall be so designated by that party's leader. If there is no functioning party leader, or if the party leader refuses to designate a replacement, the King shall appoint the replacement according to his own best judgement.
It has been pointed out by S:reu Earnest, and he's right, that our customary way of carrying out the reassignment of party seats during a Cosa no longer resembles very closely the process envisaged by this Law. Typically these days, an MC posts "I release 4 of my seats", the Party Leader posts "Appoint Joe Blow", and the Secretary of State simply updates the lists with S:reu Blow listed as holding those seats. I have been content with this arrangement, regarding the Secretary of State's listings as being tantamount to my actions, but I now think that was sloppy of me.
For the sake of better compliance with the OrgLaw, and in order to achieve greater pomposity and formality, I would like the Chancery, from now on, to issue a formal appointment of the replacement MC to the vacant seats, in my name and under my seal. ("Therefore, King John hereby appoints ...") If there are several "switches" occurring simultaneously, I see no reason to require separate documents.
Thanks to all.
— John R
For the sake of better compliance with the OrgLaw, and in order to achieve greater pomposity and formality, I would like the Chancery, from now on, to issue a formal appointment of the replacement MC to the vacant seats, in my name and under my seal. ("Therefore, King John hereby appoints ...") If there are several "switches" occurring simultaneously, I see no reason to require separate documents.
Thanks to all.
— John R