Eftir la secziun 3.1 dal Carta dal Comità per l'Útzil del Glheþ, 'n membreu noveu fost estarh coptat par 'n membreu corentic, es fost reçáifarh 'n secund, es aglhorc o zevenarha 'n membreu candidäts dal Comità.
Tischind estescu el vür qi füt aßei ceastlivéu àð avisáivarh-lo, pü frü aceasta seira, del fäcts feliceu da Rëuniziun, nun éu, avetz el plaschair el pü grült, es eftir sieux vöglhas, coptéu Segnor Tomás Gariçéir, UrGP, per la membrità in la CÚG, es éu säp qe v'aspeitaziun pr'iens secund serà trei scurznia.
According to section 3.1 of the Charter of the Committee for the Use of the Talossan Language, a new member must be nominated by an existing member, then receive a second, and then will become a candidate member of the Committee.
Having been the man lucky enough to be the one to inform him, earlier this evening, of the happy fact of Reunision, I do now, with the greatest of pleasure, and according to his wishes, nominate Sir Tomás Gariçéir, UrGP, for membership in the CÚG, and know that my wait for a second will be extremely short.