
Saturday, May 5, 2012

PD: The Verbal Resignation Act

The Office of the Prime Minister

L'Óifisch dal Seneschal

Prime Dictate: The Verbal Resignation Act

I, Erschéveþ Cjantscheir, Seneschal del Regipäts Talossan, with all duly vested authority and stuff, do hereby and forthwith declare the following Prime Dictate, beseeching his Majesty the King to grant royal assent with all due celerity that it might become law:

WHEREAS Baron Fritz von Buchholtz has been a esteemed and well respected citizen of the Great Nation of Talossa for many a year

WHEREAS in that time, Lord Fritz has served our nation honourably, selflessly and admirably in numerous roles, not only in times of hardship and struggle, but also in times of renaissance and prosperity.

WHEREAS the Nation of Talossa stands hugely indebted to Lord Fritz, for without his toil and efforts, the nation of Talossa that we know and love today would never have come to be.

WHEREAS as a Nation and a Community of Talossans, we offer our deepest and sincerest thanks to Lord Fritz, for again without whom our community would not be here and many Talossans would never have gotten to know each other or forge the friendships we have today.

WHEREAS the Nation of Talossa is saddened to hear of the present afflictions and ill health affecting the good Baron and wishes him a speedy and full recovery.

WHEREAS due to these afflictions and ill health, Lord Fritz has tendered verbally to His Majesty the King his resignation from the benches of the Uppermost Cort, which like all his offices he served to the utmost of his ability and with distinction.

WHEREAS it is with heavy heart and sorrow that the Nation accepts Lord Fritz’s resignation and collectively hopes he will be once again be a active member of our growing community.

WHEREAS there is no mechanism in Talossa Law to allow a Verbal Resignation, such as the one Lord Fritz gave to the King;

WHEREAS we cannot reasonably expect those in poor health to write and submit a letter of resignation, when a verified verbal resignation can suffice.


Section 1: The Holder of any Talossan Office, Organic or Statutory, except the King and the Prime Minister, may resign his/her office by verbal communication provided that:

(a) S/He provides a reasonable valid explanation that s/he cannot for whatever reason submit his/her resignation in writing and/or it cannot be reasonably expected for him/her to submit their resignation in writing based upon his/her current health and/or personal circumstances.
(b) Such verbal communication of his/her resignation must be made to and witnessed by either:

(i) The King and/or his duly appointed agent or;
(ii) The Prime Minister and/or his/her duly appointed agent or;
(iii) The Secretary of State and his/her duly appointed agent

Only verbal communication of resignation to made to and witnessed by one or more the of the above (hereinafter referred to as “the Witness”), shall be deemed a valid and lawful resignation.

Section 2: Upon receipt of such verbal resignation, the Witness shall, after taking all reasonable measures to ensure it is the true intention of the office holder to resign his/her office, immediately post on a publicly accessible board on Witt (or its current equivalent) a sworn, signed and dated declaration/affidavit that s/he has witnessed or was the recipient of a verbal communication in which the aforementioned Office Holder has stated his/her clear and irrevocable decision to immediately resign his/her office and which states said office(s).

(b) Such resignation shall take effect three (3) days from the date of posting of the Declaration/Affidavit in subsection (a) above.

(c) The Declaration/Affidavit in subsection (a) above, shall be considered as a written resignation directly from the person(s) resigning his/her office, if a written resignation is required by any provisions of the Organic Law and/or any Statutory Law.

(d) It is an offence to knowingly or maliciously make a Declaration/Affidavit in subsection (a) above, that one knows to be false and/or to impersonate via whatever means a Office Holder with a view to convince or otherwise lead the Witness to believe that it is the said Office Holder’s intention to resign. Such crimes shall be punishable at the discretion of the Court.

Done under my hand and seal, as from Kenwood House, this the 5th day of May in the Year of Our Lord, 2012, in the 6th year of the reign of our gracious sovereign King John, and of the independence of Talossa the 33rd.

Litz Cjantscheir MC, ChRTB