
Friday, May 18, 2012

PD: The Keeping Your Loved Ones Close Act

The Office of the Prime Minister

L'Óifisch dal Seneschal

Prime Dictate: The Keeping Your Loved Ones Close Act

I, Erschéveþ Cjantscheir, Seneschal del Regipäts Talossan, with all duly vested authority and stuff, do hereby and forthwith declare the following Prime Dictate, beseeching his Majesty the King to grant royal assent with all due celerity that it might become law:
WHEREAS the current Law allows close relations to choose to be assigned to the province of a close relative
WHEREAS the current Law does not allow those who chose to be with a close relation to move province, should the latter be re-assigned

WHEREAS this is the case of Sir Tamorán dal Navâ, UrN who will be reassigned to Fiova when that province is created and his Son, Zacríeu Ianescu, who does not currently by law have any option to obtain the same provincial reassignment as his father;

WHEREAS it’s an "unofficial" policy of Talossa to keep family members together in the same province should they chose to be

WHEREAS Talossa encourages families sticking together

WHEREAS the law needs to be amended to take this change in account

Section 1: The following subsection shall be inserted into Section 2 of the 35 RZ23 – The People to the Provinces Improvement Act:

b) If any Talossan citizen is re-assigned, by any means, to another province, his/her close relative(s) may move his/her provincial assignment to the province which his/her Talossan relative has be re-assigned to. But nobody may make such a move more than once in his/her lifetime, except by the special permission of the Ziu.

Section 2: The following subsection shall be inserted into Section 3 of the 35 RZ23 – The People to the Provinces Improvement Act:

b) A dandelion, whose Talossan parent has be re-assigned, by any means, to another province, shall be automatically re-assigned to the same province as his/her Talossan parent. If both his/her parents are citizens, and they are re-assigned to different provinces, the dandelion will be re-assigned to the province of his mother.

Done under my hand and seal, as from Kenwood House, this the 16th day of May in the Year of Our Lord, 2012, in the 6th year of the reign of our gracious sovereign King John, and of the independence of Talossa the 33rd.

Litz Cjantscheir MC, ChRTB